MASSAGE TREATMENT FOR TIGHT MUSCLES Previous item [:en]Centro Di Massaggio... Next item [:en]HOW OFTEN SHOULD YOU...


The tight muscles might cause pain since there is a lack of blood circulating in the area. This lack of blood (known as ischemia) prevents the absorption of oxygen and nutrients and causes accumulation of waste (metabolites and lactic acid), which can damage the area. This condition might cause a further muscle tightening or a spasm. Massage can assist in the blood restoration to the ischemic tissue, it nourishes it, it removes the toxins and relaxes the muscle, while allowing it to function properly.

Massage also increases the circulation of the lymphatic system, while strengthening the immune system.

The nervous system is relieved and cultivated through massage. It can bring balance to the autonomous nervous system. Massage can as well release endorphins, the body’s natural pain killer, which can produce a calming effect. Another cause of pain might be the collision of a nerve with a tight muscle.

The massage therapy acts as a supplement to the medical treatment and helps out the restoration from tendonitis, the muscle strain, the sprains and excessive damages. A muscle called upon to perform an excessive repetitive action might cause an injury. This is a matter of fact, whether you are a sports trainer, an athlete or an office worker, getting through a “normal” day.

Stress, convulsions, circulation, digestion, metabolism, TMJ, musculoskeletal limitations, unpleasant muscle aches, edema, elimination, recovery from injury and adhesions can be treated or improved with massage therapy.

The massage therapy promotes wellbeing. It feels good, it relaxes us, it can clear our mind and reduce the stress levels. It raises the awareness for a healthier communication and relationship between Body-Emotion-Spirit.

Phone: +30 210 3237 111
Voulis 22, Athens 105 63
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